Going Beyond

Traditional Goalie Statistics

Coming Soon

The goalie prospecting tool
that changes everything

The Dominant Goalie

Every team wants a dominant goalie who is consistent from game to game and makes critical saves when the game is on the line—resulting in a win.

  • Winning Aptitude

  • Competitive

  • Confident


Finding Your

Dominant Goalie

But how do you find and quantify a dominant goalie? Goalie Tracker uses new and innovative goalie statistics that will help your team find their next dominant goalie.

  • Reliability Factor : determines which goalies consistently show up to play (game-to-game).

  • Close-Out : differentiates goalies that have a high compete level when the game is on the line.

  • Dominant Goalie Performance : reveals how often a goalie has had a dominating performance and/or steals a game.

The Dominant Goalie

Every team wants a dominant goalie who is consistent from game to game and makes critical saves when the game is on the line—resulting in a win.

  • Winning Aptitude

  • Competitive

  • Confident


Finding Your

Dominant Goalie

But how do you find and quantify a dominant goalie? Goalie Tracker uses new and innovative goalie statistics that will help your team find their next dominant goalie.

  • Reliability Factor : determines which goalies consistently show up to play (game-to-game).

  • Close-Out : differentiates goalies that have a high compete level when the game is on the line.

  • Dominant Goalie Performance : reveals how often a goalie has had a dominating performance and/or steals a game.

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